When is Extraction Necessary?

Jun 14 • 2 minute read

While it is always ideal to keep your natural teeth for as long as possible, in some cases extraction is necessary to keep your smile as healthy as possible. Some of the most common reasons for tooth extraction include:

Periodontal Disease

In extreme cases of periodontitis, the bacteria begins to erode the bone and connective tissue which hold teeth in place. As a result, teeth become compromised and roots can become infected. Extracting this teeth prevents infection from spreading the neighboring teeth and can be used to prepare the smile for eventual implant placement. 

Failed Root Canals

Normally, root canal therapy provides a long-term solution to tooth infection or abscess. However, if infected tissue or bacteria is left behind or the crown is not properly sealed, patients face the likelihood of a root canal that needs retreatment. If the tooth frequently requires retreatment, extraction and replacement with a dental implant may be a more cost-effective, permanent solution. 

Dental Trauma

Crowns and fillings are often used to address teeth that have been compromised by dental emergency. However, in some cases of serious dental trauma the tooth may be beyond repair, making comprehensive restoration difficult. For these individuals, extraction and replacement with a dental implant or bridge might be a more effective solution. 

Wisdom Teeth

The third molars are the last teeth to develop, often emerging when a patient reaches their late teens to early 20s. However, few individuals have the jaw space to accommodate additional teeth, causing wisdom teeth become impacted, or stuck in the jaw or gum tissue. This can make it difficult for patients to practice efficient oral hygiene and opens the door for serious oral health problems in the future. Wisdom teeth extraction can help patients maintain their bite and prevent damage to their dentition.  

Dental Implant Preparation

In addition to replacing missing teeth, dental implants can also be used to replace severely damaged teeth that would otherwise compromise the health of your dentition. To help patients maintain optimal dental function throughout the implant process, our Haysville dentist may extract the damaged teeth during the same appointment that the implants are placed, ensuring continuity in your dental function. 

Extractions in Wichita

At Palmer Dental Group, we provide comprehensive dental treatment specialized for you and your family. For more information about teeth extractions and restorations in Haysville, please contact Palmer Dental Group today. 

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